Savannah Boat Tour: Sailing in the wake of legends

Many of the visitors taking a boat trip in Savannah are fully aware of its historic significance. However, a lot of visitors are unaware of the more recent sailing events that have taken place on the very waters will you can take a boat tour with Sail Savannah.

The summer Olympics of 1996 were in Atlanta. The committee had to decide were the various events would take place. Developers built stadiums for the track and field and swimming events. However, many of the events require a natural landscape that can’t be manufactured. Lake Lanier was certainly a nearby options. Because a boat tour to see the area proved it to be too small with inconsistent winds, the committee turned towards the coast. Savannah is located just 3.5 hours east of Atlanta and was to be a great choice for the games.

The committee took a boat tour of the Savannah waters and decided to hold the contest in the Wassaw sound. As a result, workers built a satellite Olympic village near downtown Savannah. They also expanded and utilized Sail Harbor marina on Wilmington Island as the staging area. The city built a temporary floating marina in the mouth of the Wassaw Sound. The large boats were towed back and forth to the floating marina. Spectators would take boat tours in Savannah to watch the action.

The 1996 Olympics had 10 sailing classes. Sailors and visitors came from all over the world to compete for the top honors. They all competed in the same waters where you will take a boat tour with Sail Savannah. Savannah shined in the spotlight that year. Savannah is full of historic charm, both new and old. Because of this, it is a great idea to visit downtown Savannah but also take a boat tour around the islands. Book your boat tour here or learn more about sailing on our blog.

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